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The PN Coaching Program 

Our vision is to be the most trusted and full bodied nutrition/ fitness coaching company world wide. To help women find acceptance & appreciation for their bodies, embrace their inherent worth and radiate confidence. We envision a society where women allow themselves to flourish into a woman beyond their wildest imagination. Through compassionate guidance, evidence-based practices, and unwavering support, we strive to empower women to reach their health related goals.

The Pure Nourish 
"My Dog Ate It" Guarantee

Go through the Program, follow it, trust the process. Straight up trust it. I guarantee that you'll love the program and see the results, or I'll return your entire $470 and let you keep the course and bonuses anyway.


That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. All you need to do is to email

me your receipt with the title "My Dog Ate It" and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Our 5 Step Approach

The PN 5 Step process



In the initial step of the process, the focus is on establishing a deeper understanding of the client, delving into their history with nutrition and exercise. Additionally, this stage involves addressing any biofeedback issues the client may be experiencing, such as stress, sleep patterns, hunger cues, digestion, and energy levels. Following this, a comprehensive game plan is formulated to guide the client through their health and wellness journey. Part of this plan includes the incorporation of individualized journal prompts to encourage reflection and self-awareness. 



Moving on to Step 2, the focus shifts towards gaining a comprehensive understanding of the client's nutritional needs and habits. This involves educating the client on effective ways to manage food consumption, including the essential skill of tracking food intake and the ability to read and analyze nutrition labels. Additionally, emphasis is placed on building discipline and cultivating a sense of responsibility concerning dietary choices. This step aims to empower the client with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about what they put into their bodies. Furthermore, the process seeks to optimize training and promote consistency in the gym, ensuring that the client's fitness journey aligns seamlessly with their nutritional goals and overall well-being.



In Step 3, the focus is on the continuous implementation of a well-rounded approach to health and fitness, emphasizing consistency in both nutrition and training progression. Education plays a crucial role at this stage, covering topics such as digestion, hormone changes, weight loss strategies, and muscle building techniques. The client is encouraged to engage in ongoing self-reflection through journal prompts, fostering a deeper understanding of their progress and experiences. The key aspect of this step is the active implementation and adherence to the established plan, ensuring that the client not only understands the principles but also applies them consistently in their daily life. By combining knowledge acquisition, introspection, and dedicated action, Step 3 aims to create a sustainable and effective framework for long-term health and fitness success.



Advancing to Step 4 involves a focus on the continuous improvement of execution and mindset within the health and fitness journey. This phase incorporates customized advancing training, tailoring the workout regimen to the evolving needs and capabilities of the client. Moreover, there is a strong emphasis on the ongoing implementation of strategies aligned with personalized goals, whether it be targeted towards fat loss, muscle gain, or other specific objectives. This step recognizes the importance of refining not only physical practices but also cultivating a resilient and positive mindset. By integrating progressive training techniques and aligning actions with individualized aspirations, Step 4 aims to elevate the client's overall approach, fostering continual growth and success in their health and fitness endeavors.



In the final step, Step 5, the program expands its scope to incorporate more mental health-related strategies, recognizing the integral role of psychological well-being in overall health. This includes the introduction of practices like gratitude lists, meditation, and reflection, aiming to enhance mindfulness and promote a positive mental state. The focus shifts towards lifestyle integration, acknowledging that the journey extends beyond physical changes and becomes a holistic part of one's daily life. Clients are encouraged to consider whether they want to maintain the focus on physique changes or transition towards a more sustainable, integrated lifestyle approach. Additionally, there is a dedicated educational component that provides insights into the next steps for long-term goals, empowering clients with the knowledge and tools to continue their wellness journey independently and proactively. This final step serves as a comprehensive conclusion, ensuring that clients are equipped with the necessary mental and emotional resources to sustain their health and fitness achievements in the long run.

“When I had the opportunity to work with Franzi I was not 100% ready to jump into a program but knew that I wanted to make a big change because I was tired of trying to get fitness results and failing on my own. I can confidently say that doing a fitness program with Franzi was the best decision I ever made. As I was a client with her, I not only lost weight but I learnt how to program workouts that best fit my changing work schedule, build a healthier and sustainable relationship with food and to listen to my body. It wasn't only a fitness program that she offered, it was accountability, guidance and confidence building. The things Franzi taught me I still use everyday to continue my wellness and fitness journey. I wouldn't have been able to get where I am without her and for that I am forever grateful because I feel so good in my own skin again."


What you get


Personalized Workout plan with in app tracking


Personalized Nutrition guidelines + 1:1 Nutrition education


Personalized Mental Health and Personal Development plan/ guidelines


Weekly 1:1 calls to discuss struggles, wins, plan adjustments, guidance & education


24/7 Support via text

Book a Free Call or Apply for Coaching

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